DataX from Datalyst can read any dataset, identify problems, extract insights and build predictive models for any outcome.
Our accessible analytics tools help to identify valuable datasets and predictive variables, as well as automate data science workflows, increasing efficiency in the co-creation process.
How does it work?
1 Upload your data securely
Users can protect their data using our desktop application and upload an anonymized version for processing.
2 Choose data to analyse
Users can define which variable they are looking to predict. For example in an urban data set, users could try to predict incidence of violent crime and identify causation variables.
3 Tweak your data
DataX will suggest changes to your data and help you optimize the data for the best and most accurate results.
4 Get results and next steps
DataX will return a ‘results score’ and identify causation variables and generate a simple predictive model. It will explain the accuracy of the model through easy-to-understand terms.
Who is it for?
Innovation officers
With the growing opportunity to collect data, DataX can identify the datasets that are worth investing time and money in.
Product managers
Data can be overwhelming, DataX can determine which datasets hold meaning and value to create and define new products.
Data scientists
Data scientists can benefit from DataX through the automation of processes, saving time and resources.
Works well with
Helps obfuscate and share data securely between solution providers on innovation challenges
Co-creation Ventures
Partners can use Datalyst Platform to share and understand shared datasets to help guide their new business venture.